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Nectar Card

Also played as: bshake, do not redeem, I kiss gingers, QTIP2002, QTIP8002, vote ReformUK, Farage, Gavin Massey, fionaaa a&0i( % )0, Edwin van der Smeg, dddddddderek, Smeg Griffin, bsahek, PartyTimeRyan, Smegatron, dale, Pitbull, 0E0@8 E<04 (0E, "over there", im hungry, lakaka, shitgoblin, I'm with Stupid, toilet, bshake @sanctuaryhf, bshake @SanctuaryHF, RSC Observer, AHH, keep it kuschteh ?, keep it cushty ?, daddy?, bshake eats lots of pies, capri sun enjoyer, amante del sesso, RSC Observer 1, balls enjoyer, shonkerlonker, Weapon of Rizz Destruction, Rizzaldinho, bshake (new balls), desk, BeeAyEllEllEss, bosh, maurice1610, Grimsby Town F.C, Up the Mariners x, Up The Mariners, Deep Fried Mars Bar, The Ninky Nonk, deskchan, xX_DeskGaming_Xx, discord.gg/sanctuaryhf, bshake | powered by crime, cheers, sons crying, bshake <3 Smol Panda, bushakke, im not very good, bsheikoo, bseikoo, fuck you, Join discord.com/rsc_eu for gc, dont talk to me, bigshakke, | Oha-no |, VIP Fancybshart0xsack, VIP bshake, FancyBshart0xsack, FancyBsharts0ck, bshartax, bspartax, Dodge Shitter, Piranha Punch Gfuel when???, bshake (has Gfuel)

Created 172 replay group(s)

Appears in 17010 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

16191 Goal(s), 8410 Assist(s), 19832 Save(s), 49963 Shot(s), 20157 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 87.37%
  • Fennec 7.14%

Frequently plays with:


2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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