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Also played as: Ali Corp, Moose ^-^, J0kerJohn, Alico (dominus main now), A., Treyrone (trust), Treyrone, I am an AI (trust), I am Speed, "I enable I am Speed" Enables me, Moose., TheSmallestFish16, Black Hat, Orsted, My favourite game is "uhhhhhhhh", Zen, Alco, omg so mysterious who is he?, XDvilX911, not boosty cars, Alico.spade, I demo jd_zt2, I demo, below average dropshot grinder, i don't get to go for the ball, I play defense, and defense only, below average snow day grinder, Dyber, Flamie Speeddraw, Light Yagami, vex is not vibin, i t s a n g l e., Ken Kaneki, Alico! ^-^, Jake From State Farm, ocilA, Ali, Ali ?, Being British is hard, Finding good decals is hard, Alico"!, I AM LIVE, DM TM8, lf new tm8, dm tm8, Shadow, I play Duke Nukem 3D, I Play Duke Nukem 3D, Alico?, Snamantha, Alico ^-^, Virtually Alico, Spooky Mans, Tena, !!!, !, ., Ali ^-^, I am Alico, We are able to, EliteCrock.tv, herozerr, Chisato Nishigiki, Lore, Lore(no boost), Sakurajima Mai, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka (2nd season, t.tv/Alico___ (LIVE), T.tv/Alico___ (LIVE), Lore1044, t.tv/Alico___ (LIVE (With Lore)), t.tv/AlicoTTV (LIVE), Alico., t.tv/AlicoTTV(LIVE), t.tv/AlicoTTV, AlicoTTV (LIVE), Ali., Mediocre Kid Who Kinda Knows ..., BazzKiller!, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, celin, juul, yerin, Riley, Celin

Appears in 9631 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

14226 Goal(s), 7322 Assist(s), 17552 Save(s), 43791 Shot(s), 8233 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 88.81%
  • Fennec 10.90%

Frequently plays with:


4* 5* 6* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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