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Also played as: Flyze., fraudlyze, YIPPIEEE, neutron fireflyze., Flyze frfr, smudge (balls chopped off), Flyzawg, FireFlyze, Flyzen, Flyze./fish and chips, the entire country of france, FireFlyze., FireFlyze. (WEEK IS LIVE!!!), Flyze. (WEEK IS LIVE!!!), npc 29845, npc 29844, npc 29843, Flyzerino., Flyza., flipreseterxx89, din lokala soptunna, fdawg, fireflyze. &, VolutedPlot9331, WirebrokeApollo223, turbo flyze, bear flip flops, e, Flyze the Wise, Flyze the Fly, Flyze!, escaping, Neutron Flyze., water., F., FLYZE., all i need, garbage, FireFallz, you would not believe your eyes, FryerLice, FryerLies, <-- Snow day mains, f, Flyyze, f., h, Flyyze., Flyze, ps5 controller im garb, Flyze. <3, Flyze. :>, Flyzey. :>, flyzstermeister :>, Stinger, ig @fireflyzerl, FireF:/yze, FireFlyze -_-, will u marry me zervr, u would not believe ur eyes, v Ajax x

Created 2 replay group(s)

Appears in 19233 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

25825 Goal(s), 12799 Assist(s), 27747 Save(s), 75976 Shot(s), 15116 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 79.70%
  • Fennec 19.70%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1210 17 Champion III Div. 3 Champion III Div. 3
Ranked Doubles 1895 652 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1186 11 Champion II Div. 3 Champion II Div. 3
Ranked Standard 1777 444 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1262 25 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked SnowDay 1152 32 Champion II Div. 4 Champion II Div. 4
Ranked Hoops 1231 305 Champion III Div. 3 Champion III Div. 3
Ranked Rumble 1380 106 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1107 60 Champion II Div. 2 Champion II Div. 2
Ranked Doubles 1752 415 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1305 22 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Standard 1585 310 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1077 19 Champion I Div. 4 Champion I Div. 4
Ranked SnowDay 779 2 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Hoops 1063 31 Champion I Div. 3 Champion I Div. 3
Ranked Rumble 1360 97 Grand Champion Grand Champion


13 14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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