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Also played as: [LIVE] ttv.jayremyy, crashout remy, t.tv/jayremyy, [LIVE] t.tv/jayremyy, jay_remyy, LIVE on tiktok // jay_remyy, jayremyy, LIVE ON TWITCH// jayremyy, LIVE ON TWITCH// jay_remyy, LIVE ON TIKTOK// jay_remyy, ., ttv/jayremyy, *LIVE* ttv/jayremyy, ttv.jayremyy *LIVE*, LIVE ttv.jayremyy, HeyAngelItsRemy, Cooljay3227, Road to Silver, cooljay3227, [LIVE] ttv/jayremyy, hash slinging slasher, ttv_jayremyy, DaGoofyGoober, @ttv.jayremyy, former gc2 now washed, @ttv//jayremyy, just vibin fr, witewawwy goldfish pt2, washed silver 4, Live on twitch//@jayremyy, washed, little weewee, Sulace's Carry, [LIVE] ttv_jayremyy, bot, Sulace's carry, Carrying Carsn <3, Carrying Carsn....., suggonmabawls, first time on PC

Appears in 2557 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

3685 Goal(s), 1838 Assist(s), 4408 Save(s), 10709 Shot(s), 2071 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 81.54%
  • Fennec 16.93%

Frequently plays with:


5* 6* 8* 9* 10* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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