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Also played as: Brayne Wady, Comms or u taste like broccoli, Comms or ur gaye, Comms or ur ghay, Jedi_Jo_ from that Mouldy video, Mflipnos, Jurk, Less Good Goblin, Hobgoblin, Come Goblin, Goblet, Crotch Goblin, Goblin Deez Nuts, I smell like how broccoli tastes, Jedi's Lover, I'm Fatman, Buffy Jewgold, Deetoo, Daggett, Fae King, Carrying from the bottom, derple, Luke, jercle, 13 Year Old on KBM, Digruntled Sausage, Eddie Smurphy, Kaijev (with chat), Faking., Errr Nerr, it's Jerrrderrrr, Can you even barrel roll?, Baked Beans, Biggus Dikkus, bleached-a, I way that will confuse you boys, Dan got MouthPiss, Dan's choking but I, Got an itchy nose but I, Girthquake, Aedyn eats D on the Cobb, mercle, Merc Dog, jercleoudsioby, Agent Duck, Bigga, FeriorGameplay, Girthquake (1), jercletini, Mouldylocks, HUNKY-OOH-OOH, Errrrr Jerder_Jerrrr_, Derpquake, Last night your mum, Extra Chromisoby, Lojinx, Also A P.O.S., Girthquake Jnr, jayzr's sister, Mouldy_Shoe, jayzr, Mouldy_P.O.S, I have ADHD and get distra, Kanye, Foot Pics For Jay, crumb, Byejinx, K-weefFactor-y, Kweef-Factory, Kweef Factory, Craig Pelton, Dean Pelton, Goaftquake, Gerald, Jamie Jett, I'm gonna crumb!, Crumb Shot, Hodor, Maverick, Birthquake, DOMquake, DOM, bread, Circle Jercle, Just Jercle, Bart Quack, A55 Quack, I got the runs, CDs?, BaaaAAAAAANE, Cloudy_Jo_, jERCle, Admiral Snackbar, FAAAAAAAATHHHHEEEEEERRRR!!!, Hatman, JizzyMcJizzBum, Disgruntled Otter, Aroused Otter, I Puma Pants, I'm not drunk, you're drunk

Created 2 replay group(s)

Appears in 8285 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

9544 Goal(s), 4264 Assist(s), 12415 Save(s), 25599 Shot(s), 4956 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 45.20%
  • Fennec 29.49%
  • Primo 9.87%
  • Honda Civic Type R-LE 7.48%

Frequently plays with:


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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