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Leth pro

Also played as: Sugar, Hugo, mon, Lug, ., Jungle, S13 Bronze, Bob, lol, Lethamyr, Cofer, Duncan, Copher, get me out, Leth JOIN TEAM VOICE, endless, Booga, ff before 2:30 for a gift, smog, braincells used up, Deep in the Jungle, Control the Ball, Juice, Done, Seer, Playing on Hotspot, Cloak, Omega, June, Gary, Jojo, Hong, Goober, Jinx, Q, Squash, Igloo, Omilo, Joseph, Lexicon, Gouda, Hula, Lloyd, Edward, Gong, Craig, Quick, Rhett, Mark, Sooma, Shom, Core, Honk, JunkTrunk, Jusho, Further from my screen every goa, Jumble, Borg, Poof, Leth @ Sunless House, Leth on Arcade Stick, Leth (no eyes), apple, Lethiago Silva, Leth on N64, SSG Neato, Derek Carr, Leth (New Camera Settings), Storm, Subs Pick Car, LTHMYR, lethaPog, Ghost Lethamyr, 0_0, elmirfudd, Calculus, Ghost | Lethamyr, Leth | Ghost, Denial Lethamyr, Denial LANamyr, Denial Leth, iSM Lethamyr, iSM | Twitch.tv/Lethamyr_RL, Lethamyr LFT, Leth. LFT, Leth. LFT (at a friend's house), Twitch.tv/Lethamyr_RL, Lethamyr_RL.tv, PXI Squad 1, Jokeamyr, Lethamyr > Crates, Lethamyr LF Crates, Lethamyr | CX, Lethamyr | PR Hype, CX Lethamyr | LF Free Agents, 1300 hours later, Lethamyr_RL | T.TV | Twitter, Lethamyr | PXI, Lethamyr_RL.tv | TW

Liquipedia page

Appears in 7030 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

20402 Goal(s), 4601 Assist(s), 11764 Save(s), 33518 Shot(s), 4608 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 90.14%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1641 158 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 2285 691 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1200 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 2175 296 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1186 4 Champion III Div. 2 Champion III Div. 2
Ranked SnowDay 1210 10 Champion III Div. 3 Champion III Div. 3
Ranked Hoops 1304 15 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1261 15 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1476 60 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 2238 684 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1213 5 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 2131 272 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1303 16 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1247 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Dropshot 1250 12 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked SnowDay 1232 9 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1526 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 2083 587 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1212 3 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1998 274 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1241 6 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Rumble 1150 4 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1560 146 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 2107 571 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1270 9 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 2099 381 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1246 17 Champion III Div. 4 Champion III Div. 4
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1541 143 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 2035 519 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1258 7 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 2049 365 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1246 17 Champion III Div. 4 Champion III Div. 4
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1441 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 2080 600 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1276 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 2066 260 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1366 13 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1357 14 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1224 4 Unranked Unranked
Ranked SnowDay 1002 10 Diamond II Div. 4 Diamond II Div. 4
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1468 27 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 2012 495 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1298 6 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1868 221 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1463 120 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 2001 588 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1376 37 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Standard 1951 660 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1707 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1191 1 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Solo Standard 1273 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1899 0 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1675 242 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 2073 1119 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1396 18 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Standard 1893 514 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1565 188 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 1934 780 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1351 94 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Standard 1881 346 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1634 74 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Doubles 1543 2654 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1177 9 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1314 1455 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1117 74 All-Star Div. 4 All-Star Div. 4
Ranked Doubles 1430 885 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1256 248 Champion Div. 2 Champion Div. 2
Ranked Standard 1149 808 Superstar Div. 2 Superstar Div. 2


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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