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Also played as: kick.com/VillRL, Sam, V., Villeh, ., Grind Time, Vill LF3RD, Jarmi, Somebody say avines? Doubt it, VV | Vill, twitch.tv/VillRL *LIVE*, VV | Villy, i dont like people, twitch.tv/VillRL *live*, VV TTV VillRL *live*, VV Vill, twitch.tv/VillRL, Velocity Villtex, twitch.tv/VillRL *not live*, UNG Vill, Vill | LFT, Villy, Vill (new drink bottle), V, lliV, My bad, did i demo you?, Twitch | Its_V1ll, Twitch | Its_V1ll *LIVE*, Mike oxmall, Twitch | its_V1ll *LIVE*, Twitch | its_V1ll, Twitch | its_V1ll *live*, Timmeh, Im my own biggest hater, Vill (retired), YT | its_Vill, Twitch | BrandonShereZ, YT | Its_Vill, YT | Its_Vill (new montage), Villy., wawa, Daddy, is that Vill, Him, CE Vill, LFT Vill, GZ Vill, LFT, GZ Fiberr, PORQ Vill, Vill LFT, TOP G, skenk, Bong chilling, No mechs, Mommy Milkers, *not live* twitch.tv/its_V1ll, *Live* twitch.tv/its_V1ll, YT its_V1ll, Vill is Washed., Imraj, Not Vill, Love, UwU, wee wee, villy, You're <90 cos you kindacute, Vill (not in torq), UnknxwnRL, yes baby, can i please peak ;(, Villy with big pp, Jp bad, IllVee, pp gang

Appears in 5809 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

7733 Goal(s), 3849 Assist(s), 9944 Save(s), 21651 Shot(s), 5801 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 51.95%
  • Fennec 43.71%

Frequently plays with:


6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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