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Also played as: thorias., thorias, Player 0, Thorias, THORIAS :*, thorias :*, thorias. :*, Thorias :*, Thorias<3, th0rias, THORIAS., THORIAS, THORIA5, Thoria5, DRGN Thoria5, thoriaS, ., ThoriaS.a_, SkelethoR.a_, SKELETHOR, .skelethor., skelethor., skelethor, Liniox, skelethorina`, skelethorina;, skelethor,, skltonthor, SKLTONTHOR, sklethor, smoothskltn, slimskltn, skltnthor, skltncrow, f.thorias, THORIAS.,, 0',thorias, ImprobableThor, iMPROBABLEtHORIAS, ThoriaS., -THORIAS, -1000 IQ slumpin' Thorias., THORIAS-, Thorias: (, %THORIAS, %Thorias, THORIAS&, t:(., THORIAS,, Thorias.&, 200 iq Thorias kapp., ThoriaS, ,,,THORIAS,,,, THORIAS,,, THORIAS :(, , % THORIAS %, % % THORIAS % %, Thorias. decentlyhappy, NTE %Liniox.%, Liniox., Linioxina.:), NTELiniox., TFP Liniox., Liniox. &, Liniox. (: , Liniox. , NTE Liniox., Liniox. widepeeposuperhappy:), Linix. 0, Liniox. %, Linioxina., nte liniox. :), Liniox, actually happy :), Liniox. :/, nte liniox., Liniox. :(, Liniox. :/ %, Linioxina. %, cracked16yearoldplayerforVTMN.:/, The fabulous Liniox., The fabulous Linioxina. %, The fabulous Linioxina. , The fabulous Liniox, The fabulous Liniox. %, Not so great player %., Not so great Linioxina %., Not so great Liniox %., Liniox %., not so great Liniox, not so great Linioxina, Linioxina, % %% % % %% % Linioxina % % %% %, % %% %% Linioxina % %% %%, Liniox J.`, Liniox.`, Liniox. , Liniox. , Querencia

Appears in 4714 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

3905 Goal(s), 2642 Assist(s), 6266 Save(s), 12473 Shot(s), 5541 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 50.57%
  • Fennec 38.97%
  • Dominus 8.36%

Frequently plays with:


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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