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Also played as: Adderalll, nic, nic|haventatein3days|ps5cntrolr|, Jamen, nicFREAK, nicisslumpingat140hourspast2:(//, fint, ., LuYa., .nic, .nic~freelo, nic~, Nic~, N~, Bunny~, 19, nic (live) link.in.bio, nic (new binds), < blank >, nic *chat off* (slumping), nic (bck from brck), Coyboy, coyszn:), (bodadem), , coy, coyboy', kyo, coy, c.washed.exe, c{.}, coy (feelin fstr thn usual kekw), koi., hot, c0y, c0y (forfeiting for banners), c0y (feeling awko), Awko (not mechy), coy{?}, coy the clip hitter, `, hotshot meta, coy., Cured., {?}, coyboy {mechanical player}, coyboy, c0y/iQuitThisGame, c0yy/bored.gon.shi.on.u, arzuplaysrl, \-.-/, c0y's left handed, 148 hours past 2 weeks, 143. birthday vibes :), 122, c0y {sick], c0y <3, c0y\/ chillin <3, c0y\/driftcat vibes <3, c0y szn <3, c0y:), dab0:), dab0, coyUncappedRnMovingATGodPace///?, ??, c0y uncapped, c0y/listeningToSpotify, c0y/watchingIncrediblesNow, c0y/watchingCars3Now, c0y/watchingCarsNow, c0y/watchingCarnageRn, .c0y, AR c0y, .f.e.e.l.i.n.G.o.o.d.c.0.y. :), feelinGood.c0y :), 04' OG, c0y., coyb0y, //cB, BHS COYB0Y//:), BHS COYB0Y//NvrStopPlaygEnjngGme, BHS COYB0Y, cyo, N C, aIoenn., Ex, Foreva., nic.exe, nic., .K, .Kunyuko31, Kunyuko, eB | S, | eB |, Jesus2021cominSoon, fenNic main :), {nic} {live@spircxl} ^.^, {nic} {live@spircxl_}, {nic}

Appears in 2811 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

4550 Goal(s), 1805 Assist(s), 5508 Save(s), 13108 Shot(s), 2164 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 73.53%
  • Fennec 14.48%
  • Breakout 5.94%

Frequently plays with:


2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 8* 9* 10* 11*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

Compare against
