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Also played as: keep watching mate, please be not boosted., please be not bosted., ., mintxnz^^, Sabretooth, Roundhouse, mint. (lonely), Drachenkrieger, LaFlame, let it happen, m., mint. (new controller), G., stfu, mint. (depressed), Dragoon Wariorr, ich kann das alles nicht mehr, dont cut me, jxsh fanboy nr.1, mintusanwrld, mint. (heartbroken), ..., Big Boy., es kracht., mint. @switzerlan C-147, Pulse mint. (not), es kracht, 23, mintusanwrld on tt, mint. (joined the elo hell), monkeys, mood, mintxnz., idfc., , NF, minty, <3, icy mint., ?, mint. , Pulse mint, Pulse Jxsh, mxnt., mint, ! awn, mint. (its josh not jxsh), mint. (i got a sunsetter decal), mint. (new mindset), minxnz^^, infinity., SYN mint., mint. &, mint. (mentally broken), mint. (rock bottom), mint. (learning walldashes), mint. (dropped from 1700 today), mint. switzerLAN @D-139, mint. Switzerlan @D-139, mint. (im on a lan), i hate arabs on eu server, speed, mint. (a broken guy), mint. (goes beastmode), mint. (broken)

Created 1 replay group(s)

Appears in 3834 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

4884 Goal(s), 2319 Assist(s), 6484 Save(s), 14542 Shot(s), 2482 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Fennec 59.94%
  • Octane 39.28%

Frequently plays with:


7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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