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battle "standin on business" man

Also played as: Julez, ,, ., Kronicalita, Kronical, bluddasaurusrex, FragileNut60, kronical., hello peter, welcome to fortnite, ChronicCancer, Kron1c4L, Klikzy, Hit a triple reset = win $10, kronical, Asian-_-Eyes, do something cool = $10 paypel, Hit a triple reset = $10 paypal, Cubed3, Kronical2, Chronical, Krico, kronical <3 (racist version), Kawasaki, FadedEngine07, Gumball "Him" Watterson, DZY, Dave but better (at fortnite), IdksterlingGyat077, gojira., Gojira., donkey monarchy, donkey supremacy, kronical or smth, boosted to gc lmao, Kronicality, GamesenseChris, :], :>, HE HE HE HA, @kronic4l on tt, Drone, Kronical (racist ver.), EdgyBear2024, Armadillo, Kamikaze Specialist, e > E, Eww, FlawLssw , Fl4wlssw , Kronicality (main), Chronically Online, Half Based, Im Illegal, GymRat, gg ez go next, Femboys > girls, Blackasaurus Rex, kroncial, Ken Kaneki, Eggy RL on x.com, im passive aggressive, Kool Kid Kron [3K], Him, Kagura Bachi, Kingambit has gained strength, Kronic4L on YT/TT/Tlnd3r, Kronic4L on yt/tt/tinder, Alex (the better one), Kronic4L (new controller), Kronic4L, Douglas, Discord Nitro Classic, Dropshot Main, *giggles and shets*, Kronical on yt/tt/X, kronical on yt/tt/X, Iron Hard RL, ................................, bwhbjWBHWSBDVHBWVHBAWDVHBWDHV, Chicken Leg Piece, Hamter sucks, Kool Kid Kron (3K), im not allowed 99km near schools, Diamond in the sky, Bargage, Garbenheimer, Brent Peterson 2024, garb, Brizzle, afkek, Brizzlemeista, Brizzlemeista LF1, Awake Brizzle, B r i z z l e, Brizzle LFT, Brizzle ^-^, Brizzle LFM8, Ashley <3, jannilay

Created 7 replay group(s)

Appears in 4207 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

3782 Goal(s), 1896 Assist(s), 5247 Save(s), 10156 Shot(s), 3876 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 71.17%
  • Fennec 22.94%

Frequently plays with:


9 10 11 12 13 14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 9* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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