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Also played as: Bo Ling Ali, Scljrrl, Scljrrl (warming up), Do you want this bowl, Scljr, Sclod, Rock in Shambles, Eulerblat, Pelvis Presley, Scojimuffins, El Bow, Mot Splik, Grean Been, Currently a goofball, But like Scoldier, Be hind, Currently Incompetent, Lolligagginarian, Scloder, Schmode, Obesity Obsessor, Hamburger Haver, Schiesenheimer, Grappling at close quarters, Its pronounced SCOL-JER, SCobbler, Scojicle, Scoco beans, Scoco, Sco|dier, Jesus is the homie, lil scoj, Sammy, Scaco, ., Endocrug The Skinny One, Scacob, poppface, Sample text, Jaci, Hillnar, Byborbeck, sCOb, Scoji on laptop, Mary's poppin, Sam, Scholar, Sco, Feep, Inconsistent Isaacson, Open YouTube and type ScoldierRL, Scoji Woji <3, Introverted Suicidal Man, Scoji, JHohn, John, O my golly heckin doo doo I just, Hurricane hurryupgetthemop, Scojimonke, car go fast, Is ya boi Scoji, Homicidal Tostito, Humbarg, Scildoer, A Soldier that Scolds Things, Poop goes the ballon, Scojo, Peetnus Sakus, s, Pulse Booty Juice, Pulse Bototomonoman, Poggalike, Humbarger, \, Scholarship, BrantleeSmellsLikePB, Doody Scooldier (Live), I very can score a lot, Scoilder, BLOFF, Sc<:ldier LIVE on YT, 6.02k, I Scold Things, Holy heck I'm gosh dang doo doo, 1.62k, My Birthday's Not Today!, Humburgargler, Sceeberbidlger, Ocean fish restaurant el duende, Scibbledywibbledydibbledywer, Jay K. Lowelz, Imaburntdorito, Scoildiwerewer, Mean Green Jelly Bean Machine, English Frying Pan of Madagascar, Samurai, Jaykob, Jayk, R!P Scoldier

Appears in 1696 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

2681 Goal(s), 1057 Assist(s), 2354 Save(s), 7052 Shot(s), 906 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 39.50%
  • Dominus 28.71%
  • Dominus 8.79%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 197 14 Bronze II Div. 4 Bronze II Div. 4
Ranked Doubles 459 385 Silver III Div. 3 Silver III Div. 3
Ranked Standard 291 97 Bronze III Div. 3 Bronze III Div. 3
Ranked Hoops 472 28 Gold I Div. 2 Gold I Div. 2
Ranked Rumble 622 111 Gold III Div. 4 Gold III Div. 4
Ranked Dropshot 338 12 Silver II Div. 2 Silver II Div. 2
Ranked SnowDay 539 51 Gold II Div. 3 Gold II Div. 3


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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