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John Smith

Also played as: Mr. Barnacle, Ballstice, My Eyes, Pray for Me, A little death, hungolomghononoloughongous, Gr0sses F3sses, Could You Be Loved, Let it Happen, Daddy Sols, Elder Guru, Preset Stealer, f@nnyannihilator6676, Astolfo, Dm for Head, Let It Happen, California Dreamin', J A M M I N G, Average Sax enjoyer, chanandler bong, Average Saxophone Enjoyer, Badonkadonk, PotatoLover47, Granny Shifter, JUAN, Mr. Maktuf Muncher, Ichika, Captain Barnacle, hungolomghnonoloughongous, Lactose, MILK, BRAHNANA, OH GREAT HEAVENS!, Pulse Solstice, Balls (Broken Keyboard), End, Danny G, I am the real Tosh, Down, Nicksus Stinkstice, Q7, OH GREAT HEAVENS, Crustynaldo Rolledough, NotSoSols, Nixus Solstice, https://tiktok.com/@piku.fs, Going for Clips, Emotion., NickSus Barnacle, ecitsloS suxiN, Nick Sus Barnacle, Nicksus Barnacle, Mark Rutte, Nixus Barnacle, Donald Trump, Compwhiffinator, Dr. Doofenshmitz, Bagged ur Ma, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Doctor Doofenshmirtz, Perry The Platypus, Dikkejan LFT, Bonkstice, FreeZ Solstice, Perry the Platypus, FreeZ Solstice <3, Frozen Sausage, FreeZ olstice, FreeZing Sols, Pink, clip whiffer, Big boy stonks, ;), Imagine If Sols, Imagine If Solstice, Prossibly Solstice, Probably Solstice, Proper Washed, Mechanically Washed, No Mechanics, Juan, Ded, Bit Washed, I am Ded., Ded., ecitslos, , 3am mental breakdown, Fuck, Doing drugs, Check out ttv/Azim__rl, I, Bruh!, Jeff, Baby Malester, Baby Molester, Goated on sticks, Humungous hungolognonolougongous, humungous hungolomgnonologongous

Appears in 14919 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

24257 Goal(s), 5954 Assist(s), 26058 Save(s), 61593 Shot(s), 9410 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 96.19%


2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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