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Also played as: Zany (New gaming chair), Zany!, Olympic., Zany?!?!?!, Olympic, Freestyling cause why not, The last styler bender, Zany[?], NO AUDIO?!?!?, (:-D), Zany(?), VuDu, Zany?, YoScraf 2, YoScraf , YoScraf, Zanygoat, zen, Voorie, Zeny (new chair), Zany (slumping), Pre Peanut, Galaxy, Zany KBM, Screw me pls con, Dan is gay, ?, Zany on <KBM>, Zany (LFT), bigbenkahuna the second, Zany on KBM, Hyundai Grand i10 2020, Zanye&, Let (Zanye&) cook, Zanye&CaseOpening.com, Zany (New Mouse), Im just Zanithy, I'm just Zanithy, Zany is kak, Dutch, Dutch's boyfriend, Dutch's electricity, Dutch's Aunt, Zany :l, Zany0, ZaVe_Zany(recruiting)

Appears in 9098 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

14957 Goal(s), 5347 Assist(s), 17611 Save(s), 35566 Shot(s), 7449 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 51.48%
  • Fennec 46.80%

Frequently plays with:


2* 3* 4* 6* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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