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stqinless pro

Also played as: O my mark, Stainz, oh my mark, oi stainz, lil teekz, Stqinless, ImStqinless, s, STQINLESS, hit the ball twice plz, GHEE UP, HOW CAN U BE SO BAD, DEFEND BRO, stinless, stainy, stain, akame worst player oce, 0.25c anytime scorer, Stainy ups, revo new controller, theyll never know, nachi the johnny sucker, gheed up, stainy ups, K-trap, kweng fizzy, Haaland >, goggins, revowinger73123, dogs out for free, Player 0, new revo, Player 1, stinless (new revo), stinless (new all white tn's), sta?ny, mickey laugh, the barra, Stainless, short spine, 16 missed calls, Chub, Stainy, Stain learning airroll left, Stain, oiiiiiii nah, Mario., Stainy LF 3RD dm, stain?, less stain?, stnlYs, Stinless, taking a break from shxt league, Stqinlessy., oeuryfgv, being cheeky, stqinlessy., hi, losing to ranked warriors, i sux, hello STqin?, Stain., stain., bringing it back, a sick Dave :(, Dave, Stqinless., Stqinless. (reforming :), being cheeky. (reforming :), thats cute, pitbull x Poofta, pitbull, so tilted, LF 3rd, hi im sad, ok, Stainy LFT, Stainy <3, Stainy LF 3RD, Stainy LF 3rd, HJFGCJF _))_+, sleeping, Stqinless :), stqinless. :), Okay. wow :{} :), Stqinless again cute, notincredble :)}, Player 4, stained tile, Outlaw, StainYlesS, StainY, non stop, Rank 20 Staino, Stqinlo, Stqinless // *LIVE* come watch, Stqinless// *LIVE*, Staino, .

Liquipedia page

Appears in 5303 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

5849 Goal(s), 3058 Assist(s), 8490 Save(s), 17854 Shot(s), 4890 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Fennec 48.80%
  • Octane 45.90%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1000 14 Champion I Div. 1 Champion I Div. 1
Ranked Doubles 1706 369 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Standard 1655 187 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1143 26 Champion II Div. 3 Champion II Div. 3
Ranked Rumble 1170 46 Champion III Div. 1 Champion III Div. 1


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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