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Also played as: lush (returned), lush (even worse now!), lush (under the influence), ., ttv/lushory live, lushhh, what is this horrible rank, seriko, inshallah, cpr, talk to me boyyyyy, lushory ttv live, mech monkey 364, lush (all my tm8s are sellouts), lushory/ttv live, lush (sellout slumper), ca$hflow, good tm8?, lush (sellout), lush (too washed), wushory rl!, Narcissist263, lushory rl, StinkiestRaptor878, dior, non sellout tm8 pls, a change of plans, k1 bando, sellout szn, i was 1680 yesterday, sellout season, lush , che !, what you heard, , biggest sellout oce, , ttv lushory live, lush (not good at hitting ball), the real lush rl, lush rl, done, give me a normal tm8???, seriko., .l, ,, .lu[h, lush (beyond washed), lush (done with rl), lush (slump demon), t.tv/lushory live, prada, .p_aa, The Perfect Ratio, sza, .lush, lu[h., lushory.ttv live, lush., ttv.lushory live, l., lush. lft, roblocs fornite pogers 3333, lush lft., lush lft, ttv.lushory, lush ?, Sex Master 1, [`, average arenas enjoyer, v., lu[h, ttv/lushory, lushory.ttv, lushory/ttv, lush (now has herpes), lush (no friends), lush (back to old controller), lush (now toxic), lushory, lushory | t.tv, lushory | t.tv | live!, @lushory on tiktok, Viper, Buzz, LIVE NOW | www.twitch.tv/lushory, 0

Appears in 2129 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

2864 Goal(s), 1397 Assist(s), 2425 Save(s), 8169 Shot(s), 1545 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 87.18%
  • Fennec 7.47%

Frequently plays with:


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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