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Road to gc3 wash

Also played as: APAREntly WHALIE, Jebjerg, Gforce, windy, Upcoming Release, bxt sucks, Fleur rl0, My Croissanttttt, Player 1, SwiftJake lft, X4DS, Flakes0d1d1d1, ZEAKA PLAYS, Player 0, Cat sticks, Toxicity sucks, The royal muffin, You are wellcome, youngblod plays, Hallow-Doggy2021, Jebjerg gaming, TRACH NAME, Pulse Champ, GAMES IS PRO

Appears in 179 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

270 Goal(s), 127 Assist(s), 284 Save(s), 733 Shot(s), 89 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 66.48%
  • Fennec 27.37%


2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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