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cerveza cristal

Also played as: bobr, knobalski, meh, one starfield pls, gotta go fast, bananakin, joseph joestar, sadio knobe, kickbord kuno, kleine teub, you will eat ze bugs, bussin fr no cap, shit's on fire yo, yourdaddy, throwbey maguire, detox gunjamir, psyonix pls, mugician, marty mc cry, package loss, fashion league, elden kek, YA, knoperze, knobi, sagenumwobener kek, watashi no dasheru, All Terrain Gun Transporter ATGT, goodn't, knobalski by hideo kojima, it's ma'am, champ from wish, rude buoy, suffering from success, ballchase: activated, what?!, obviously just warmupping, terms and canditians yaya, hot dawg, mikey mc mikeface, mike ault, panam shagger, tony hawk's pro hater, johnny mcenroe, tschorgetti, kernflk, thx epic, minjung, kellog snoflek, mostly peaceful player, violent teub, lord of thrown, halp, woeschdakomet?!, jamie o., karen, Wolfsbert zu Schmalzkranz--Lippe, feggsch?!, allergo, darth rukolar, rukolar, mr schreibvogel, tigerking for president, se more or less fast, se fast, alfredor, shamona, Judas Ben Hur, dancel washington, grandchamp of hearts, whomst'd've just can't, return of dorfkamp, pong lenis, gonnjamin, sid lieb bitte, knosperial dancer, Sarah Jessica Parker

Appears in 278 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

180 Goal(s), 150 Assist(s), 274 Save(s), 625 Shot(s), 193 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 38.85%
  • Fennec 24.10%
  • Dominus 19.42%
  • Diestro 13.31%

Frequently plays with:


11 12 13 14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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