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jamesey cramsalot

Also played as: 69elretarded69, marlboro gelt, breastfeedingyogirlsince2000, <3, 77, trying as hard as i can, freak, billy, talk heat no sauna, tulsi bae, stan zendaya, Relax, you're doing fine, 888888888888888888888888888, notssl, SMURFSMURFSMURFSMURF, f u, chungus cheese, y'all r bad, who wants to see me throw, gc_boosting_bot11413, who wants to get carried?!, que guapo, thundercat, HAHAHAHAH SORRY, the great cornholio, jkdl;ahfklshklshhsh, s, bongtoker69, snakelover1181, mayor of flavor town, poooooooooooo, worst rl player ever., foot and mouth disease, chat banned for being too good, fun c2 rank!!!!, c2 terrible rank, 16 * 100 = 1600, chillen, poopdestroyer11, pooeater1171, pee eater 1171, papacitoooooooooooo, 1591891312315647894446446, poopy poo, COME TO BRAZIL!!!!!!!!, COME TO BRAZIL!!!!!, i will carry jaxxx, gay11, clown, "smurf pos" -angry opponent, bakedcheetoz69, deez, diamond 3 player for real, messin around (baked, sadguy111, the mother of all lords, head guy, recently banned grandchamp, shoes in tha fridge, orange julius, big onion man

Appears in 88 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

147 Goal(s), 40 Assist(s), 136 Save(s), 365 Shot(s), 62 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 100.00%


11 12 13 14 1* 2* 3*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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