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Also played as: Sparkles, ., twitch.tv/justfli_ (live), twitch.tv/just_fli_ (live), Fli, <3, Down 300 mmr in 24 hours, Regain Szn, .I., MoldypeepeeRL, Arzenal, Big Ol' PeenerWeiner, .i., Daddy Chill, Blacky, Donky., Tm8 rotate backpost, U Mom, Bubbles, twitch.tv/justfli_, Fli. (Add da snap?), Rank downbad, I'm ballchasing, Grinding back to GC 2, Floaties, SquigglyRuffins, Kevin.DirtAnt, Chef.Curry, Lebronca.Jermiah, Shaquille.Oatmeal, Attyzze's Whiffs, Attyzze's Input lag, I'm definitely not live, JustFli_ (live), Fli. (Breaking in controller), ILuvRETALS, Ravyn., SquishyNuttinz, justin. blindoutofmylefteye, justin. (new controller), Fli. LFT, Fli. LFT (Road to GC 2), Fli. LFT (Road to GC 1s), Fli. (Trying to improve), Why do I gotta carry, Libra., Fli 0, Fli 0 (live), 0Fli0, Libra, Libra LFT, Libra (Live), twitch.tv/librarl_ (live), twitch.tv/librarl_, twitch.tv/LibraRL_ (live), twitter.com/LibraRL_, t.tv/librarl_ (live), ShrubKilla, Snowman, I scare gorls, @LibraRL_, No he doesn't.. I do, Me too, Slumping, Libra LFT (Hardstuck)

Appears in 1341 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

1607 Goal(s), 668 Assist(s), 2263 Save(s), 4331 Shot(s), 1578 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 87.55%
  • Fennec 10.51%

Frequently plays with:


2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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