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Also played as: champ4, carryyy, i feel bad thats why i play, Ridax, someone carry me, Smurf Ridax, henko justin squishy, can this car fs?, hk, carry service, zen but plat one, plat, ssl, rank helper:D, whos smurfin, umm relax, relax, Back to CHILL, enough to be gc, im fat and eating cips, ssl but gc tag, not smurf, E-girl Olivia, ., im good, TURBO tournament, FrontalPanda, turkeyy, energy panda, Panda freestyle, octane, game, chiller, chaser, Arsenal, hi, speed, no smurf, Jstn is real, letsgoomoonkey, pulse JZR, Just pulse, not bad, double, elo, e-sport plays, chillz, Garret G, why smurf, who^s smurf, night life, RLCS esports, Ayjaxi, AYYJAYY, who*s jstn?, Lmao, uwu, UntureCertified, im bad player, brnz, subzie, ?., not smurf at all., not smurf at all, not a freestyler, JZR, A<ztral, Player 1, im not freestyler, ChillZee, chill with Chillzee, Chillzee, Whoops, RidaxChillz, Rxy, Justns friends, Monarchy

Appears in 222 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

288 Goal(s), 156 Assist(s), 320 Save(s), 788 Shot(s), 152 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 35.59%
  • Fennec 32.88%
  • Dominus 22.07%

Frequently plays with:


4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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