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Also played as: chungatelo johnson, swelbor, evil rat, Norbert | IQ:56, DR SOGWAR (THE RETURN OF), ApparentlyJACKINGOFF, Stuart Q. Marmaduke, T money big drip, Zumbo Sauce, t groatsly, ???????, doo doo fart, John 2, smelvin, Bart, farglebump fig newton, LESWAG WEENIE JUNIOR, A Young Marmaduke!, Chudeaux, chubby bubby esports, Larry "Registeel" Filmore, Larry "The Rat" Filmore, Lasagnyan, I will not type., smogledorp frunglebip, sneed 3, a "young chungaloid", sogwar be thy name, chamoy dubstep, CRAZY GAMER, hyperx rodent installation, glorbinus slingting pickleball X, gregganormus cornelius johnson, barry, juuan, grog, buford, young shmariyahu, n. soggywar, SKI MASK THE DUMP GOD, marsupial chungcat gaming, leshauna goatworks, slog, chudwell noidberg, norgwel sogwar, cornelius sogwar esq., Redshyft Juan "Ernesto" Leonardo, Ohhhhh.... Ernesto...., Ernesto Slingting Regirock III, Registeel, Regice, Regirock, reginald e. gigas, splunker, splunky flick, the bronze jade, sonic wave by Lsunix, snaids cannon, remote explosive, garage door fugga, atomiK ballsaggs, gooby shung, farting moose, shungite maneuverability, shungy ex machina, shungatelo gaming, shungy poo, we ball, big huebo, faze cornelius, 9gag fk, Reginald E. Gigas, S_yll, asswipe synthesis, Patrick Swayze, Seinfeld, big cheddar GAMING, cadrega mode, mortimer (chat banned), moose, stuart, stooga, Dirkious Maximus, nuts, jelvis, trolleado, ass munch :), ps2 main, Qwedge, Harold, Grilliam, Syl

Appears in 506 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

546 Goal(s), 225 Assist(s), 687 Save(s), 1408 Shot(s), 326 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 73.32%
  • Fennec 21.94%

Frequently plays with:


2* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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