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Also played as: Zourh, roz the goat, roz(?), ., ryz, Smurf_guy9222, Nwpo, Primelamp4778, roz, Nimona, Karoly, Passin', Check this out, , roz just, Retired CCH, roz?, MIH roz, wait, what?, I lost my skills, htxrT, roz when returning back to this, roz moments #1, BFH roz<3, Pulse Fredy, JZR, BFH roz, Nixus_Phoenix, BFH | roz, Unpeaking!, 219 roz, Azalea roz, Kanye west, the real one, Pulse jxst, Bad freestyler mate, zen mechanic's, .-., Cokehun, _, Yeti c:, Rematch master >:), Enchanted Yeti | lvl 115, Enchanted Yeti, roz | , Skillz., Dasher from Ebay, Yuh, E4, iveL, Lightning McQueen, r o z, boosted, rouille, European Mechanical god, Mister_monsuun_fanboy1, Zephyr jxst<3, Evample, Professorhun, Cure roz soon?, NuttyElephant900, LibaczkyFanboyUwU<3, Tomi1325 szemelyesen, Cure roz when?, raketa kiraly !, (roz)i neni, Bad mates, stay in diamond<3, Imagine c2 players saying booste, unpeaking, yuh, Liiving: "Legalabb lennetek jok", rozsda<3, LvL Up | roz, Best 7 yo player, roz!?!, Best 7 yo CCH, Meshiinn who?, Pablo (Next Cure member <3)

Appears in 883 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

872 Goal(s), 204 Assist(s), 681 Save(s), 1961 Shot(s), 334 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 40.66%
  • Dominus 27.52%
  • Fennec 25.25%

Frequently plays with:


12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

Compare against
