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im washed

Also played as: fs, furtison, happy holidays, franklin, madea mood, con!, ., lim!, kurto, trap, mufasa, kurty (washed), dre, turk, 7 blinkers deep, stoned, *, kurto (peak rank), kurto!, kurtous, kurto (washed), retsu, nex, crumb, seb, uiky, hades, vert, japh (washed asf), japh, krew, dup, smackin the cart holdup, qint, dizzy, damn, konn, boinks, boinky, bior, this rank is terrible, fennec.exe, chillin, aloha (broken controller), pluno , tenq w/no mechs, nior!, master qinway, nir, qin, raq, aqire, movement, ako., 2 high, okay, niorskey (needa better mindset), ', nior(?), model name: nior, nior (the carry), nior , master niorway, drizzledchicken36, faded than a hoe, takin a trip to yodie land, nior (cold hands), dw jit from o block, aspect from 63rd, aspect (broken finger), .aspect, 217, toughpanda32, kriz, rock, bronze 47, <3, tawf (sick asf), cero (new controller), im fried, nero, better at swideswipe, better a swideswipe, aspect, soho, experiment 56, rosa <3, todis, rosa, i, i cant flick (no fr i cant), Ace., ?, spoon(?), do i have to spoon feed u?, tez (?), mhm, hard washed :(, aulthn (no mechs)

Appears in 277 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

430 Goal(s), 175 Assist(s), 502 Save(s), 1009 Shot(s), 98 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 68.95%
  • Fennec 25.99%

Frequently plays with:


8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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