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Also played as: austin, aviator gang affiliate, `" good enough, AUSTIN IS MENTALLY INSANE, a, you ladies alright?, kanye east, green fn, kanye, austin (chat off), orangismydaddyilovehisbiggyat, orangismydaddyilovehisbiggyatt, ShockedScubaDiver56, WanderingWallabee18, LacklusterLemon63, FancyMuffin97, TransformerBot41, BarbieGirlFan27, ChickenChoker45, BananaLover74, im feelin romantical, yippie skippie, jared (jarhead) (jk its austin), jarad (jarhead) (jk its austin), moo (cow is my dad), a u s t i n, austin cuh, pumpernickel parent with a pp, awstun, the real kanye west (austin), kanye (austin), austin | no longer mle muted, austin | mle muted, awstun wants wuv | mle muted, awsten wants wuv | mle muted, i loved her, bro she perfect but im not!!!!!!, her > me, ", austin :(, austin!, notsoepicgamer74, epicgamer74, daddy, aubrey, in luv, gru, ., yillow, austin is so sussy!, austin (not rumble main), dad, austin is bad at the video game, ZackV, !, faiIed abortion, sigh, hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe, austin fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr, austin need sleep but gc rumble, ye., ava., flown

Appears in 10343 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

15194 Goal(s), 6681 Assist(s), 21794 Save(s), 41180 Shot(s), 8862 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Fennec 52.80%
  • Octane 46.65%

Frequently plays with:


4* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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