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Also played as: Blitz >:), hvn, ., cosmic, i ballchase js trust me, Apollo, apollo, fall [Washed], falls, Infinity [WASHED ASH], Infinity, illumi, haze, Abyss!, Cj.RL., ghxst, ghxst [peaked gc3 div 2], Dezurben, bam, chrome, cryptik (grind era), Cryptik, Devour., Boom., cubik, kam, K., kam :], Dezuren :], Dezuren not mechy, Dezurben :], blizzard, faast, abyss, Astro, Galikk, Cloro. LFT, Cloro., :], Elusivv, dubs, ash, d1z, grimzy!, hawk!, hawk! [PS5 Controller], grizz, Grizzly, grimzy, corrupt, 11, corruptz (slumping), c, CORRUPT >:], ash >:], ahhhhh idk what to name myself, ash scuffed with mechs, ASH >:], dubs tryna be mechanical, hyko, Chrxme, dash, griz, Griz., Griz (Really Washed), juicy :], Ash, ash is rlly bad like very bad, Ash :], 1 34, asher dasher kasher smasher, asher dasher casher, ash lft, ash., ash going for gc3, Ash tryna be mechanical, dxsh, blaze., jolt, got a certification at missing, a prewffesional at frwestyles, a random 13 yr old, ateo, avu, Dasc, Blaze!, cole, cold., hyku, :), bith, Blaze., demetrius demarcus bartholomew, bob, :\, Bandit, iffy, Daniel, ez

Appears in 3732 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

5780 Goal(s), 2512 Assist(s), 7507 Save(s), 20769 Shot(s), 3334 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Fennec 56.00%
  • Octane 39.34%

Frequently plays with:


4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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