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Also played as: Happy Men's Mental Awareness, ayaz, ({'}), :" .." :, best rumble powerup is tele, costco dog tilt Qing lmaoo, "go back to rumble", A Lefty Cappuccino, Don't Pass In Front Of Net!!! TY, ', ?, Halo 2 Legendary Sniper Jackal, do i have to carry?, dont throw tmm8s plz, ahaha tmm8s..., dont let me carry, give me good tm8s, A RUMBLE MAIN, FreestylersRCringe, BEST PLAYER ON THE TEAM, ASMR SUPER WET & STICKY SOUNDS, dontneedtoparty, a rumble main, dontneedto3stack, A SUGAR PLUM CHEESE DANISH, dont need to 3stack im bttr, cant w/ duo teamm8s, dont need to 3 stack, cant trust team, Epic Games is STOOPID, duosalwaysblame3rd, give me ppl my mmr, aha triple stack, dont trust teamm8s, givemegoodteamm8splz, dont need a party, 2s is whack, CalmPotato3528, G3 Atomick, h8 duo Qs, CalmPotato637, all i do is carry, CalmPotato742, CrazyChimpmunk4763, cant trust team8s, avoid demos plz!, hard 2 trust tm8s, Andrew Tate arrested! lmaooo, careful, i main rumble, bckboard Dfence?, bttr teammts plz, "gO pLaY RuMbLe" AHA, Freestylers r Cringe, casual teamm8s suck, dont give me 1600s plz, give me better teammates, dont give me SAM plyrs plz, British be like "BO'OH'O'WO'ER", flutter, eu players? ew players, ahaha team8s..., gimmie actual SSLs, bobby is so fn bad, gimmie actual SSls, early season worst, 445 gang member, give me bttr tm8s plz, give me gud tm8s plz, DONT BLAME ME, DUO!, Asami is bad AHAHA, 1700s suck, ahaaa i <3 this rank, 445 Gang Member, Cringe Main *Skull emoji*, duo teamm8s r questionable, aha.., Dfend backboard plz, cringe triple stack, "go back to rumble" cringe, |, duo teamm8s r ew, 445 Zaya, , <3 duo q teamm8s, 3stack = cringe, hahah fun game..., dont give me 1700s, hit 2k mmr dont care, 1700s = L, 2 1700s = L, "go back to rumble" they said, ew its Zaya, bailey, Dude, duo q teammates r sus, Hero, FNTM U, 2k mmr rumble btw, 99.9% teammates trash

Appears in 13943 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

14697 Goal(s), 9011 Assist(s), 18149 Save(s), 54565 Shot(s), 18346 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 72.65%
  • Fennec 23.94%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1098 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1411 27 Champion III Div. 1 Champion III Div. 1
Ranked Solo Standard 1188 1 Champion II Div. 3 Champion II Div. 3
Ranked Standard 2018 616 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1310 33 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1878 348 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1394 57 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked SnowDay 1628 233 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1098 22 Champion II Div. 2 Champion II Div. 2
Ranked Doubles 1654 753 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1229 14 Champion III Div. 2 Champion III Div. 2
Ranked Standard 1886 847 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked SnowDay 1471 203 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1251 13 Champion III Div. 4 Champion III Div. 4
Ranked Rumble 1623 243 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1341 108 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1152 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1475 7 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Solo Standard 1171 1 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1424 7 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Hoops 1205 6 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Rumble 1331 6 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Dropshot 1274 6 Unranked Unranked
Ranked SnowDay 1427 6 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1152 44 Champion III Div. 1 Champion III Div. 1
Ranked Doubles 1701 383 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1187 1 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1674 283 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1602 349 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1348 11 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked SnowDay 1430 216 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1435 169 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1169 38 Champion III Div. 2 Champion III Div. 2
Ranked Doubles 1665 286 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Solo Standard 1187 1 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1662 233 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1363 122 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1598 345 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1355 10 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked SnowDay 1457 204 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 997 7 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1499 262 Champion III Div. 4 Champion III Div. 4
Ranked Solo Standard 1196 23 Champion II Div. 4 Champion II Div. 4
Ranked Standard 1647 388 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Rumble 1340 578 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Dropshot 1258 135 Champion III Div. 1 Champion III Div. 1
Ranked SnowDay 1312 290 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Hoops 1133 8 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 902 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1313 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Solo Standard 1035 0 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1534 0 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 501 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1230 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Solo Standard 963 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1110 7 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 932 7 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1153 7 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Solo Standard 922 7 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Standard 1120 7 Unranked Unranked
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 327 62 Bronze III Div. 1 Bronze III Div. 1
Ranked Doubles 974 10 Platinum III Div. 2 Platinum III Div. 2
Ranked Solo Standard 855 133 Platinum II Div. 2 Platinum II Div. 2
Ranked Standard 985 183 Platinum III Div. 3 Platinum III Div. 3
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 813 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 1056 642 Diamond I Div. 3 Diamond I Div. 3
Ranked Solo Standard 887 48 Platinum III Div. 1 Platinum III Div. 1
Ranked Standard 676 12 Gold II Div. 1 Gold II Div. 1
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 367 8 Unranked Unranked
Ranked Doubles 620 20 Challenger III Div. 5 Challenger III Div. 5


4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14* 15*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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