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Also played as: Emilia, 8, sad, , lol, dollar store aqua, ,, loser, bachira, jordan, jaymp3, dom2, i want to end it., che, Playboi Carti, oh?, dont let him cook, ., seyuh, jordan? 0, rent, fran!, aqua, i love her, poo, ketchup, kyte, justin., nolo, kanye, musko., f to edit, jewdah, jdn, jaydes, jay LFT, exotic, dextr, daddy, jrdn, Dom, :/, jimmy, jord, shimz, shim (on noflip settings), shiz, Aqua?, al., femboy10294, rip mechanics, dan. LFT, dan., daquan, dan, g herbo, (g)oatmeal, new controller so im bad, nadroj, monkeypox, lyric, giving away free elo hoyly shite, mfc, playingthisgameuntilihit10khours, m, aqua ( new binds :/ ), flipreset, flip, pooeater, millie booby brown, rushia, mechanics, lfc, n, neyn, AQUA, Mtthw., Mthw., jordan., Mthw, MthwSucksAtBlight, matt, ItsAlwaysTheSame ItsJustAShame!, IAMVIBINGTOMUSICSHUTUP, mthW., mTtHw, Apex Pro User, mReKk, MyFriendJrdnHasA1.9GPA, mthw, jrdnwantspulsetemplemechanics, poopy, JrdnDoesntLikePlayingRLWithMe., FirstKiller's Grandma, jrdns mechanics, mthw., .mthW, Obito., road to ssl

Appears in 387 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

824 Goal(s), 196 Assist(s), 695 Save(s), 1824 Shot(s), 432 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 95.87%

Frequently plays with:


2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 12* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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