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Also played as: 2z, zezo da coca, k i L L, Kill, reflex, yuk1, evmp death son., evmp., NG yuk1, NOmercy.tapmachine, yuk1 no fear, swear to god, yuk1 T'AURA, yuk1.ctrl alt shift del, LFA yuki, MIBR yuki, yuki, yuki overhaul, yuki third gear, yuki ''astroxS'', ''astroxS'', armond - ''astroxS'', Johan Cruyff, armond - ''aztroxS'', Heroic aztroxS, aztroxS fa, Twitch.tv/aztroxS, aztroxS, B2X ytb :), B2X, FA B2XOFC, Armmond ;(, ;(, Hwang NSig, Hwang :p, Raphinha, H4rleym00n, NoThRL^^, Zaad!, Zaad o'neal, pedro conclusoes, yuki on rlcs #KTS, ishikaw4, ishikawa the best from Japan, ishikawa the best, ayjacks, can i kill phazon ?, can i kill ?, ZAck makise <3, ZAck, ArmoNd77, armond - ''@_nothrl'', armond, Pulse moon, flatline are rude, R301 don't taking dmg, kurata, moonl1ght, KTS moonl1ght ;p, armond pokas, arsenal, armond lft, armond no mystery, G2 w0lL, wol, jack spyderwick, jack, kv1 JR, NoTh from br, Nuno mucho mecano, Firewoll154, S.O.L |NoThRL ^^, NoThRL ^^, pai do spyyder^, Furia yanxz ^^, ^^

Appears in 2049 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

2218 Goal(s), 1173 Assist(s), 2071 Save(s), 5134 Shot(s), 905 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 54.86%
  • Fennec 18.59%
  • Bugatti Centodieci 5.37%
  • Dominus 5.27%

Frequently plays with:


5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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