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Also played as: the best to ever do it o7, bozi(washed ssl) :(, ur moms step son, https://kick.com/bozi1 LIVE JOIN, ?, BeastMode, bozi^^*, bozi^-, fortnite battle pass, dead x(, bozo, constantly wanting to die, i hate ducking fudes, bozi(o), bozi giving away free mmr!, bozi (wants death), .boz!:), TTV.idkbozi[LIVE COME FOLLOW]., .bozi!), .ttv.idkbozi, .ttv.idkbozi[LIVE!], .ttv.idkbozi[LIVE], .ttv.idkbozi[LIVE]!, .bozi!, .bozi:(, .bozi[havent played in 11 days i, .ttv/idkbozi!0', .ttv/idkbozi[LIVE]!0', .bozi!0', .!0', . bozi!0', .bozibob0', .Bozi0', .QUITTING AHAHAH0', .washed and retired0', .bozi0', . bozimode .0', L F T . bozimode0', bozimode0', PRO THROWER BTW0', bozi0', 0', psiko's biggest fan0', i love psiko and gayvo0', bozi 0', ., I HATE THIS GAME, bozi (voice chattin), aint even a grinder fr, dumb tm8s, boz!, dob, ihatethisgame, lol, AYYJAYY, bozi been saucing since '69, b0zi, beetlejuice bozi, ig.bozi, tater is carried, jkfoshizzle carried by silver3, ihatemyself\, bozi>, >, probably bozi, bozi 4 sale, WHAT IS GRASS (BOZI), boziistrash, bzi, Twitch//WoodleyWoody(Live), bzi -_-, smrf, *_*, abozia, bozia, bozi*-*, bozi *-*, bozi #yourgonnaget1clipped, [bozi]:), <bozi?, bozi#BEAMERWITHALITTLEPETER, bozi in ur moms ass, bozi is a farmer, bozi:), bozi:, bozi on 100 ping, bozi-_-, NRG bozi, bozii, bozi on twitter G0, .Bozi., ok, c xx., tnt., xanax, Hitlerzz, sad., Pan!c, Panc

Appears in 7123 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

8752 Goal(s), 4207 Assist(s), 9406 Save(s), 24272 Shot(s), 5780 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 95.37%

Frequently plays with:


11 13 14 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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