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Also played as: Alysson, Alyssn^^, ., alyssoN_, DBZ BUDOKAI TEKAICHI, Alyy, nASTY, BR_PIPO, ~Alysson', alyy, ALYSSON DAS NEVES, t.tv/alysson_rl [ON], Nxsty, Alysson , MC CARLOS FUNK SUMARE, aly the fato, dieguim_hemp22, nastyk1ng, Putencio Gelado 69, LUCIO ELETRICAS, TIGRE GUERREIRO, Alysson <3 kakau, AKDSKSPWDOL, javieragomez, Alysson^^, chicopatata, Alysson%!#$, ;, Nasty, Nasty , Nastyk1ng, Nastyy, indio mal, caio castro, Nasty - t.tv/munuxu_, zecabrabo, renata do naruto, watnakt, ~Alysson'x, Alyssn, Ness, Alyson, Alyyson, @alysonluiizz, Reaper, AlysonNszR4FOZU, AlysonN, fica frio ai, PRETO DE BOTAS, A

Appears in 208 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

270 Goal(s), 113 Assist(s), 259 Save(s), 775 Shot(s), 109 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 75.48%
  • Fennec 24.52%

Frequently plays with:


6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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