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Also played as: 8., chillin, <0Bowy washed, <0Bowy (very very washed sorry), )', bhop, 2=, sinx, need a third for torunrey, nosin, rul, !?, !? (3s pu), d'arli demelio, ?>, if ur kbm quit freak, p u, .?, chickenlittle, , que, ?, trolling 1s x, HydraPixel, pixies, ? (deranking 1s), pu, :(, flme, mech prac (soz), |, s,wlpd,aowimduqnd7dwd1w2d25rd21, mahir rupoms number 1 lover, re, sinxx ., ?!, idc abt ranked, sin, sin ?, nxx !, nxx (i troll 1s), nxx, six, lin., freestylers suck, console kids are horrid, ~!, lungskull, yung bruh, jett main (kitten haver), ex fortnite pro, sinxx , sinxx , helloharmingharmony, lushylemonlarry992, sinxx, not very skillful, sinxx (carried), super manly female guy, :), polish, plow, biggest xanthe lover, f4, ? (blasting music), GLM sinxx, matt, politepolishpickle2302, ,, coke, sting, alt, ?m, polishpollpicker1234, `, how to become a better player (p

Appears in 235 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

261 Goal(s), 119 Assist(s), 313 Save(s), 724 Shot(s), 229 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 77.45%
  • Fennec 21.70%

Frequently plays with:


7* 8* 9* 10* 12* 13*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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