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Also played as: Adam, SUFC ADAM 1889, Trash Af, Adam (Chat Off), Spon Deg, Spoon Dogg, Spoon, noopS, Shane, Hog Tex, Storm, LilSpoon, LIAR!, Spoonana, Adam (Quick Chat Off), Red_Rocket_Peth, I <3 Pethy, siwel, Oli McBurnie, Spoon., Dr. Edward Richtofen, Shaggington, Spoonhead, Washed @ 2s, Fatnob, Fanta Mints, Johnny Sins, Fantom, PhantomDiez Sux, My mate will carry, Probably Lagging, Colgate Sux, Hoyaaaaahhh, Cwonzy Wets The Bed, Your Mum, Fantom Enterprise YT, Slumping Hard, Fortnite > RL, RL is Aids, Washed, Fantom Enterprise YT | 1.09kSubs, Playing Like Shane, Sad & Depressed, Playing Like Pure Shit, Kedsypoo., Fantom Enterprise YT | 1.08kSubs, Fantom Enterprise YT | 1kSubs <3, Fat & Ugly :'(, Peaked at 950 mmr, Clapped @ RL, N.Tropy's Got a Massive Clock, Mushy Whiffins, Mushy Squiffins

Appears in 596 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

495 Goal(s), 286 Assist(s), 846 Save(s), 3286 Shot(s), 489 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 77.52%
  • Fennec 11.07%
  • Dominus 9.23%

Frequently plays with:


2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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