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jay <3

Also played as: extremely washed jay, jay, j!, jay!, <: .YAJ, .YAJ, jay., JAY, j., jay (:, j <3, j, ., jake., j ):, , kanyewestlover911, jake, !, yaj, 16, butcher. , j...........0 <3, j.(:, j.:/, ok i pull up, jay ]:, do babies breathe in the womb, jay. (broken wrist), it's a hard hat holiday, The Man On The Moon, MM..FOOD, who tf designs season rewards, urban meyer is my father, .ekaj, a blind vigilante, The Devil of Hell s Kitchen, WE OFF THE GRID GRID GRID, jay ., jay . feels15man, jay. (new shoes) 0, Jay 0, *simpy fingers*, sponge man ice cone, DONDA DROPPED, i'm not a freestyler, jay. 0, kindajuicyjake0, jay. (:, ok, jay. (new shoes), bucks in six"!, Jacob., j:/, bkj. ]:, 0 bk 0 0 j. 0, j. :/, 0 bk j. 0 #lemonthagoat, bk j. 0, :/, bk j., jacob, e-boy j. 0, < blank >, jake :/, BK j. 0, jake from your moms house 0, ttv/jahquackay0, . 0, | LIVE | jahquackay 0, 0 BK Jake 0, 5head 0j0a0k0e0, 0j0a0k0e0, gucci bucket hat 0, jahquackay. 0, kinda brainless j. 0, @jahquackay, lolololololololololololololol, @jahquackay on all socials ;), j. p e p e h a n d s 0, woah jamal don't pull out the 9, 0000000000, SCREEEEEEEEEEECH, pgchmp, SCORED! SCORED! SCORED!, EXTENDOEGG is bad, kinda sus ngl, brainless j., j. 0

Appears in 900 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

1126 Goal(s), 501 Assist(s), 1600 Save(s), 3109 Shot(s), 691 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 53.67%
  • Fennec 34.78%
  • Dominus 5.56%

Frequently plays with:


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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