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Also played as: Wolfman9805, jackson kreger, stick it in, off ceiling, Where's Third Man?, 0000, lost alpha..., wyatt AKA BigPuffaOG, mr imposter LMFAOOOO, joshua is coping, joshua scaremaxing, joshua #payforscrimwins24/hr, joeshua, joshua, remix's victim :/, raddude2277 (joshua), lonely alpha (joshua) LF kitten, lonely beast (hunk bf), joshua w a grippa, joshua da pimpa, joshua, large boke, joshua, BigPimpa, joshua, #backshots, joshua #scaredAF, joshua, #LiveLoveLaugh, joshua, cheese cleaner, joshua, ghost inspector, joshua, SJW major, BLM, joshua, neighborhood boy, joshua, whitewater STAN!, joshua, og pimp, joshua, credit card bill due, joshua, yeast infection nerf, joshua, fat drag queen, joshua, pigeon coordinator, joshua, big pharma client, joshua, giggle monster!, joshua playing an game, joshua (watching an match), joshua (evict the homeless), joshua (nice pass steak), joshua, joshua (HYPE SAUCE), joshua (BOOTY CLAP), joshua (HAVING FUN), joshua (CLEVELAND DUMPER), joshua (FEDERALIST STAN), joshua (DADDY'S GIRL), joshua (LOOKING FOR CAT GIRL), joshua (DOMMY MODE), joshua (SICKNESS NERF), joshua (LEGAL?) (RANDY FINDELL), joshua (D1 ATHLETE)(PREJUMPER), joshua (UPDATED CONTROLLER), joshua (FULLY CLOTHED), joshua (NAKED RN), Johann Rodriguez, convicted felon, crippled cheeks, joshua (on 200mg of caffiene), josyua, mythicalTS, Mythical, uhhh uhh uh, MythicalParadox

Appears in 1424 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

1395 Goal(s), 936 Assist(s), 1455 Save(s), 4037 Shot(s), 1300 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 52.60%
  • Fennec 34.55%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 645 1 Platinum I Div. 2 Platinum I Div. 2
Ranked Doubles 953 16 Diamond I Div. 2 Diamond I Div. 2
Ranked Solo Standard 592 2 Gold III Div. 2 Gold III Div. 2
Ranked Standard 977 27 Diamond I Div. 3 Diamond I Div. 3


13 14 2* 3* 4* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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