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Also played as: xP, 16 mirrors, silly little girl, k., tripp, diamond 3, nice 2 c u!, wnym, skull emotion (broken forearm), boomshakala, o_O, noprac^, wnym ^-^ (baby life), wnym ^-^, kittykat98, sora~, happier in hell, broken arm/bandaged arm, ttv/wnym, what a gf does to a mf, #dead n gone, sakamata1, ^, wnyM, getoutofmyhead, jily, i get less points-ik1llmyseIf, the game finishes-ik1llmyseIf, .com, >:), instagram; duskswept (:, .wnym [one month break], .wnym, ;, wnym (broken everything), wnym^^, :D, wnymisgoingdownhill, minecraft bedwars main, wnyM~ASCEND!, wnymowo, legs, freeplay, wnym-, wnym|jst broke my index finger<3, #1 izippy d rider, RIP RETALS, wnym :], LOVESICKNESS, wnym (tilted), wnymsnotmechanical :(, WNYM~, it's raining, boring, wnym (switched to ps), rice (caht off_), aDhD, rice, rice (broken index finger), r!ce (chat off), r!ce, doodoo fart_RL (chat off), rice (chat off) :/, rice^, rice^ (chat off), rice!, rice (slugged up), rice >_< (chat off), rice >_<, oMg rice!/!?, :/, I HAVE NO PANTS ON, masypie

Appears in 293 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

373 Goal(s), 147 Assist(s), 327 Save(s), 1031 Shot(s), 222 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 94.88%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Doubles 1247 20 Champion I Div. 3 Champion I Div. 3
Ranked Standard 1185 107 Champion I Div. 1 Champion I Div. 1
Ranked Rumble 1064 13 Champion I Div. 3 Champion I Div. 3


14 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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