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spoov3y can u bust me?

Also played as: spoov3y ur stupid!, spoov3y!, fell in luv w a ho y, ebenezer spoov, spoov3y! (new carhartt shirt), JARRETT'S REVENGE!, spoov3y (no ladies), babygirl, spoov3y! (new controller), 2 PHONE BABY KEEM!, Munchy, spoov3y's drankin again!, spoov3y sharted!, appa, 2 HOT 4 U!, stick drift spoov3y!, NA > EU, my tm8 is drunk, spoov3y w/ stick drift!, .30-06, I LIKE TO ROCK OUT IM MISFIT!, TUMMY TUCK!, XANS FOR HER DINNER UH!, WHAT IN XXXTARNATION!, JARRETTS REVENGE, xans for her dinner uh!, feel free to farm me, spoov3y inna slump!, berserker, spewvey<3, lonesome, mikey, spoov3y wake yo a$$ up!, Curtis Loew, spoov3y, ILOVEITWHENTHEYRUN, spoov3y (luv scars), spoov3y can u bust m3?, spoov3y (plat kickoff), Jarrett., spoov (vlone), i f33l lik3 dyin if u not min3, spoovi can u bust me?, spoovi wake yo a$$ up!, spoovi wake yo a$$ up, spoov , hellboy , spoov :(, spoov :( (let me bleed), Jarrett. (new controller cord), spoov(ey), spoov (ey), spoov (poopy diaper), spoov (unbanned), spoov (new air fryer), spoov (new socks), spoov , bell , ebenezer spoov , rias, spoov (new birks), spoov (new britches), spoovey, Shake 'n Bake, Han, NA>EU, ff, CASH, lane, lane (new LED strip), Together, Calculated., 12:34, spoovey's dad, extrenuous, Rizzo (new gibbs cutout), Lane

Appears in 1349 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

1205 Goal(s), 748 Assist(s), 1426 Save(s), 3899 Shot(s), 1053 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 56.49%
  • Fennec 31.36%
  • Dominus 8.01%

Frequently plays with:


2* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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