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Also played as: run, turret., s, saint (chat off), cyber, saint., oKhalid if he sucked, ., stealth, stealth., noxy, oxy, hvk, h, niko, beastmode, nwpo, zen of rank D, chronic, niko., cleanup on aisle MY PANTS, ', swordys carry, okiN, arisu., stizzy., zig., ocular., stake., oclr^^, ^, sosa, drax., solar., icon., blaze., Nitro, Nitrokamii, Nitro., Nitr0., wiz, whiz, teeyko, phantom is my son, gamma, nwpo if he sucked, kylo, stizzy, ren, matt., zen if he sucked, Retired Panty dropper, M@, trk if he sucked, zen if he had the tism, Vital., squishy if he didnt leave NRG, Vital, Vital^^, supahtroopa97, Vatira if he sucked, yan if he sucked, Vanity, purj, bionic, lurk, zyn, curse, kaizen, wayne., jm, m@, curse., dna., jm., arisu, silk, vanish, creed, charm, ctrl, throwing, Jstns Mom, fade, bolt, JM, inno, Tricky, DxD., Solar., ?, jimmy, lol, sword (learning air roll right), BLAKE., Glacier

Appears in 947 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

1232 Goal(s), 590 Assist(s), 1798 Save(s), 3161 Shot(s), 1167 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Fennec 84.27%
  • Octane 14.78%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 1301 65 Grand Champion Grand Champion
Ranked Standard 1010 6 Unranked Unranked


14 5* 6* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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