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Also played as: lagg, laaagg, ..., Puncho, phonk enjoyer, N bandit.camp, bot lobbys, . bandit.camp, ., abcdefghijklmnnopqrstuvwxyz, 1o --> ilia topuria, playing safe, use the brain, Nixus Puncho, washed, champ is full of boosted kids, Puncho(quick chat only), trash teammates, 2nd game becoming 1s main, 1st game becoming 1s main, ff dont waste time, lagging?, Puncho(chat off), worst player is always my mate, PunchoRL, ZYZZ POWER, all my teammates are bots, getting back the 1600?, 1s is boring, decent mate please, is that hard to have a decent m8, if i lose i change the car, dying controller, Puncho banditcamp.com, Evample from wish, clipping with awful cars, decent mates in gc? impossible, my teammates are slow af, gc2 dealing with braindeads, 99% chances of a retard mate, i down ranked enough today, can m8s help me to win? im gc2, hardstyle music powerrr, i cant with m8s, they all suck, do m8s suck? nah they don't, do m8s suck? nah they re ssl, tryharding, stucked cuz m8s and my luck, Mate ill adapt to your playstyle, consoles players sucks, eVample from wish, m8s are just way too good lol, useful and no braindead teammate, mate do something to help me, mate help me, people is so lucky, my teammates are trash, mate, if you're decent we won, all console players are trash, Puncho(voice chat on), 13/24 matches losing, 11/21 matches losing, People is actually trash in gc, stop going all time for boost, Puncho(new controller), 0 win streak, ill play safe, ill play safe(quick chat only), Pulse Mesko, Losing mmr because m8 are trash, :v, impuncho1

Appears in 568 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

840 Goal(s), 347 Assist(s), 1040 Save(s), 2130 Shot(s), 472 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 78.70%
  • Fennec 19.72%
Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Duels 750 20 Platinum III Div. 1 Platinum III Div. 1
Ranked Doubles 959 68 Diamond I Div. 2 Diamond I Div. 2
Ranked Solo Standard 547 1 Gold II Div. 3 Gold II Div. 3
Ranked Standard 1234 83 Champion I Div. 2 Champion I Div. 2


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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