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Also played as: rodrigo, Factoru, fctr, FACTOR, SOONER, Factor, partner, factoru, kaleski, nactor, fac or, ac or, Factor., B1XBY, atoru, FACKEDher, fecktir, Factor (new controller), factor's university of rotations, Great Value Factor, Earl Dribbles Jr, covid factor, Pot of Koolaid, factro, Doug Dimmadome, Factoru., Homeless Factor, FACTOR., faktir, Coco Bran, Mr Timn, Para Factor, cleeti, Fac or, fac"or, !actor, factorU, factor., Factor.. new controller, faqtoru, factDER, Nike Air Bethlehem 7's, Factor"!, factorLng on Twitch! (Live), factor"!, Kaleski, fKaleski, F!, slumped factor, DualSense Factor (PS5), DualSense Factor, Factor (testing the PS5 cntrlr), Factor slumped.., Orangutan Jack, Factor2, Player 0, Facio2, Factor! (new controller), Factor!, fctr *NEW CONTROLLER*, fctr (joystick whack), Smitty WerbenJagerManJensen, factMr, faciM, F@CTOR!, FCTRNG, Crusted Succotash, Skytide Factor: INFLUENCE on YT, fctxr!, Factor xD, factor!, factor! :o, FCTR, Player 2, Factor Washed, fctr :o, factor :o, fctr., factor useless, fact:or, factors useless, Factor washed, factor fails, FACTORLNGTTV, fctr washed, FACTORlNGTTV, factor's useless, factorLng, 8th wonder of the world, Factorlng LIVE (new controller), Factorlng (live), Factor is throwing, Factorlng (bad rn) | WE LIVE, factorlng | Twitch (Live), factor | Twitch (Live), satis(factor)y, factors bad rn, factors in a slump, Factor is live

Appears in 3473 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

3479 Goal(s), 2023 Assist(s), 3947 Save(s), 10058 Shot(s), 2836 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 77.54%
  • Fennec 16.67%
  • Octane ZSR 5.18%

Frequently plays with:


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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