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Also played as: ., exodia, Martial Peak is goated, :), 10,000,000,000%, Oddball, Hokage, FaLaLalidays, stars, Leaves from the vine, Sukuna, Bob The Builder, Ruby deserved better, Goku Black, Gineminasourus, Underminer, Cloudjumper, Haley<3, Ghost, Ponta, Seiten Taisei, boom boom boom boom, esmerelda, C.A.R.-99, painfully awkward rob lowe, cactus juice., Tommy Oliver, U, Miyamura-kun, Hentai, don't go, Killua, Vibing, Wise Man's Grandchild, al, Blank, Folgers in your cup, Khyber, whats new scooby doo, Little Tug Tug

Appears in 159 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

163 Goal(s), 72 Assist(s), 264 Save(s), 499 Shot(s), 75 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 78.62%
  • Fennec 18.24%

Frequently plays with:


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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