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GC titles in C2 is cringe af

Also played as: kid named demo, DEMOS DONT GO ON SCOREBOARD., RL = Luck 50 50 coin tosses BS, RL is just chase ball 50 50s, RL players = Weak non-Gymers, Virgin Air dribbler vs Chad Demo, Imagine typing in game chat, I make more money than all of u., Imagine typing in game chat lol., ttv streamers r fat beta virgins, SAVIORY is a fat beta virgin, Burry McCokiner, ttv in name = virgin beta, You're getting demoed lol., You're getting demoed., You're getting demoed lol, Using chat makes you an idiot, Cant lose a 50/50 if i demo, THIS GAME DOESNT WORK LOL, If you type you're stupid af, IM GOING TO DEMO YOU., BIDEN IS A RACIST, Dill Dough

Appears in 102 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

133 Goal(s), 64 Assist(s), 122 Save(s), 317 Shot(s), 251 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 99.02%

Frequently plays with:

Playlist MMR Games Rank
Ranked Doubles 742 7 Platinum I Div. 3 Platinum I Div. 3
Ranked Standard 1114 36 Diamond III Div. 2 Diamond III Div. 2


14 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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