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Also played as: Darkkami, Darkraikami, Penoswirl104, VatiRai, , peno is a fungi like mushrooms, 123, ., Pianogirl107, THE RAI, IN PIANOS LEGACY, digitalfraudwi, Wisp whiffs rocket league, Darkrai ( dannyrl is my g), Darkrai, RHL pls unban me, wispy, DAYYSgirl107, Cow, tenya new burge, .., Simping for the peno, Piano at mcdonaldos, Wisp, Penowirl107, wisp, Darkai, lejumeister, FaZe Wisp, Dark(fun matches only), Masterclass rai, -, miester, dArK., Lojumaster, Kryo own goal pinch mechanic, Icy, J L mid sayy, trk511, Ice, Snowday is easy, RHL is more skill than RLCS, Imagine Playing Snowday!!!, How do i pinch?, Kev, Dark / LF TEXIZ WINTRADING, Dark, LET GET WET!, Joyo, camoron the fortnut pro, darkraii, Piano aka mcdonalds cleaner, Georgenotfound but piano is, <.?, Rumble (Somethings in my __), Petal11, Yoshi, Syp, Haithem, !, Maxi :) is boosted, Lejumeister, Metsanauris, SSL STONE, Atomic, ttv/pianogirl107, Sypical

Appears in 341 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

331 Goal(s), 190 Assist(s), 376 Save(s), 1044 Shot(s), 442 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Fennec 62.17%
  • Octane 35.48%

Frequently plays with:


6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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