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Also played as: RLDropout, RLDropout {LIVE}, Drop USE UR BRAIN HOLY, Drop get off my ball, Dr0pskii ttv not my fault gang, Drop, Dr0pskii.ttv not my fault gang, aqwa, ., >.^, 999, Droopskii, ^-^, Not him, XA-12, Nagi, Dropskii, pequeno, El Chivo, i cri, Drooooopy, luigi, Dropski, 0 brain cell rank, L mental, Dropout off the pills, Reformed Dropout, Down in the trenches, 0_0, drop, Dropout the stoner, PC broke plz help, droopie, Dropout ?, Drippy drip, RLDropout LIVE, dropout, dropout for vip, ttv/RLDropout, Bells, ayLucho (live), ayLucho, sad music vibes </3, Balls uwu, NBA YOUNGOAT, Stoned, sad music vibez </3, ttv/RLDropout thx the bus driver, RLDropout [Stoned], YoungBoy on top, RLShtter, Mikerrtv any egirls in chat?, TTV/RLDropout, RLDroplet, Rate the pfp, TTV/RLDropout ~.~, ~.~ RLDropout ~.~, RLDropout ~washed~, RLDropout aka toxic, ben kissed me :peposhy:, sad boi hours, TTV/RLDropout [stoner vibes] ~.~, #modbin, RLDropout (sennie is dog water), TTV/Hop_in_the_pack, Sad music vibez </3, Hop, RLDropOut [prob stoned or sum], NOT hop, Hop but not sober ~.~, T.TV/Hop_in_the_pack, :, Juice wrld, Forced to play dom D:, RLDropOut {WEEB}, RLDropOut [SAD!], RLDropOut Sh//tter, VonkziRL, Vonkzi, College (no play time) PAIN :3, grandplat, Monkey (New cam dont roast) 999, Monkey (out my way), Trash can, RL SH1TT3R, Santa aint real, RL drop out, Rocket League drop out, Rocket league drop out

Appears in 2667 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

2589 Goal(s), 1573 Assist(s), 2987 Save(s), 8159 Shot(s), 2157 Demo(s)

Main cars:

  • Octane 76.87%
  • Fennec 22.91%

Frequently plays with:


14 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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