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Also played as: artemis, coaching --> metafy.gg/@rtmyz, art <3, rtmyz, nephility's, idk what to make my name, jvn, sweetheart, cupid, hers, airashi, aozora, heaven, nat, violet, heaven!, mercy, shigure ai, nat (movement arc), h e a v e n !, heavenly, hvnly, hvn, nat!, 909, kty!, yukia, n:>t!, retired, retired and washed, yukisaurus!, natalii, ., CoachYukia, yuki, n:>talii, iilatan, yukia!, nat (new sens), kitty (stick drift + new sens), kitty, yukisaurus, shyy's egirl, yuki <3, yukio, the best tm hibiki has ever had, hibiki is scared of me, yukio ~, coaching! | nat!#1412, yukio!, kitty!, <3, 30, anika's girl!, her girl <3, rl coaching | nat!#1412, friendly neighbourhood legend, her lover girl <3, natalii~, her lover girl, kinneret!, ani, catgirl

Appears in 494 replay(s)

Stats from these replays:

560 Goal(s), 296 Assist(s), 815 Save(s), 1494 Shot(s), 382 Demo(s)

Main car:

  • Octane 100.00%

Frequently plays with:


8* 9* 10* 11* 12* 13* 14*


Duels Doubles Standard Solo Standard
Duels Doubles Standard Chaos
Extra Modes
Hoops Rumble Dropshot SnowDay

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